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043 「大阪女学院短期大学紀要」 >
33号(2003) >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10775/614

タイトル: The Effects of Study Abroad : Methodological Approaches
タイトル別言語: 留学の効果 : その研究方法の探求
著者: Hansen, Jerrod
著者別言語: ジェレッド, ハンセン
キーワード: Study abroad
Research methods
Japanese high school students
キーワード別言語: 海外留学
出版者: 大阪女学院短期大学
利用可能日: 2011-02-18T11:41:16Z
発行日: 2011-02-18T11:41:16Z
受理日: 2003-09-11
自由記入: 研究ノート
抄録: A qualitative ethnographic approach towards understanding the influence of overseas study permits researchers to see how a sojourn affects the daily lives of participants. However, the structure imposed by a school's curriculum limits the opportunities for ethnographic observation of high school sojourners. Students have only a few free minutes between classes and short periods during lunch and after school. These times, while permitting conversation, severely restrict the variety of socially interactive opportunities available to students. Any behavioral changes induced by overseas study are thus difficult to observe. This paper discusses these issues and the methodological solutions employed in actual fieldwork to avoid a potential dearth of information, namely utilizing additional methodologies to incorporate feedback from educators, parents, and other students to build a robust perspective of the participants. Examples from my own research into the influence of a one-year sojourn among a class of Japanese high school students are presented.
資源タイプ: Departmental Bulletin Paper
ISSN: 0387-7744
NCID: AN00029189
掲載誌名: 大阪女学院短期大学紀要
号: 33
開始ページ: 99
終了ページ: 112
ページ数: 139
発行日: 2004-03-01
言語: en
著者版フラグ: publisher


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