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31号(2001) >

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タイトル: <研究ノート>Tasks : Their Contribution to "Pushed" Output
タイトル別言語: プッシュトアウトプットを促進するタスク
著者: Yoshida, Hiroko
著者別言語: 吉田, 弘子
キーワード: output hypothesis
second language acquisition
"pushed" output
キーワード別言語: アウトプット仮説
出版者: 大阪女学院短期大学
利用可能日: 2011-02-18T11:41:03Z
発行日: 2011-02-18T11:41:03Z
受理日: 2001-09-11
自由記入: 研究ノート
抄録: The output hypothesis claims that second language acquisition/learning may occur through producing language. It proposes that learners are "pushed" to process language more deeply when they attempt to speak or write precisely, coherently, and appropriately in the target language (Swain, 1985, 1995). Although no consensus has been reached on what conditions bring about "pushed" output and what the nature of the resulting benefits is, recent studies into tasks suggest the conditions that facilitate "pushed" output and the impact of "pushed" output on learners' acquisition in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (Crookes, 1989 ; Skehan, 1996). This paper discusses elements that determine task difficulty contributing to "pushed" output : the type of task and the components of the task from a cognitive perspective.
資源タイプ: Departmental Bulletin Paper
ISSN: 0387-7744
NCID: AN00029189
掲載誌名: 大阪女学院短期大学紀要
号: 31
開始ページ: 357
終了ページ: 365
ページ数: 398
発行日: 2002-03-01
言語: en
著者版フラグ: publisher


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