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タイトル: What Does Teaching Culture Mean to Japanese Learners?
タイトル別言語: 日本人学習者にとって異文化コミュニケーションとは
著者: Hirayanagi, Yukio
著者別言語: 平柳, 行雄
キーワード: ethnocentrism
cultural relativism
multiculturalism multi-valued orientation
critical thinking
キーワード別言語: 民族主義
出版者: 大阪女学院短期大学
利用可能日: 2011-02-18T11:40:48Z
発行日: 2011-02-18T11:40:48Z
受理日: 1999-09-07
自由記入: 自由論文
抄録: Language and culture are inextricably interwoven. A language teacher teaches covert culture in class, whether he or she likes it or not. There are three viewpoints as to how culture should be perceived. The first one is ethnocentrism. People perceiving this idea regard Japanese as unique. They are loyal to their group and easily become hostile to other groups. The second is cultural relativism. This suggests that foreign people should not criticize Japanese culture, in exchange for the respect for their culture. The third is multiculturalism, which should be taken by language teachers. Their perception is to get rid of stereotypes, using new communication style and critical thinking. A multiculturalist is the one who expresses his opinions freely and objectively about a policy of his organization, even if he seems to conflict with members. Using new communication style and critical thinking does not mean that Japanese must give up their own Japanese identity. Therefore, culture and intercultural communication should be taught to Japanese learners to help them become multiculturalists.
資源タイプ: Departmental Bulletin Paper
ISSN: 0387-7744
NCID: AN00029189
掲載誌名: 大阪女学院短期大学紀要
号: 29
開始ページ: 17
終了ページ: 26
ページ数: 231
発行日: 2000-03-01
言語: en
著者版フラグ: publisher


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