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タイトル: Three Approaches toward a Nuclear-Free World
タイトル別言語: 核兵器のない世界に向けての三つのアプローチ
著者: Kurosawa,Mitsuru
著者別言語: 黒澤, 満
キーワード: a world without nuclear weapons
nuclear weapons convention
humanitarian nuclear disarmament
delegitimizing nuclear weapons
キーワード別言語: 核兵器のない世界
出版者: 大阪女学院大学
出版者別言語: Osaka Jogakuin University
利用可能日: 2013-02-14T00:00:00Z
発行日: 2013-02-14T00:00:00Z
受理日: 2012-09-25
自由記入: 自由論文
抄録: Since President Obama's speech for a world without nuclear weapons in April 2009, arguments on how to get there have become popular among many experts. Recent arguments toward a nuclear-free world can be divided into three: first, a nuclear weapons convention, second, humanitarian nuclear disarmament and third, delegitimizing nuclear weapons. The purpose of this paper is to examine these three approaches toward a nuclear-free world by precisely surveying the historical background and the contents of each approach, to contend that these three approaches have their own merits and to recommend pursuing these three approaches simultaneously as they are interdependent and have synergistic effects.
資源タイプ: Departmental Bulletin Paper
NCID: AN12028997
掲載誌名: 大阪女学院大学紀要
号: 9
開始ページ: 23
終了ページ: 35
ページ数: 113
発行日: 2013-03-01
言語: en
著者版フラグ: publisher


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